Persian Traditional Music
17 November 2022
Isfahan, Half of the world
22 December 2022From smartphones and social media to TV and tablet-based toys, today’s kids are constantly inundated by technology. The technological boom changes children to computer experts at a very young age. These days, elementary school kids have classes on computers, and many of them have been using their computers and tablets at home well before they started school. While it’s important for children and teens to develop an aptitude for technology, after all, they will use computers their whole lives, too much technology use can have detrimental health and physical effects. The negative effects on children’s health run the gamut from increased risk of obesity to loss of social skills and behavioral problems. Of course, this doesn’t mean parents need to ban technology entirely, but it’s important for parents to be aware of the potential effects of technology on children and teach them how to use technology in a healthy way and pick up the skills and habits that will make them successful digital citizens.
Benefits and drawbacks:
Technology is everywhere, many homes have multiple television sets, computers, tablets, and phones for children to find and play with. Research shows that the average 8- to 10-year-old spends almost 8 hours a day with a variety of media, and older children and teenagers spend around 11 hours per day with media. While many people see the negative impact of such technology usage, there also pros. The real question is what can parents and teachers do to harness technology in useful ways, without letting kids become slaves to it and the negative effects it can have on their lives.
Negative effects
Social interaction issues:
With more time spent on technology, younger children are having issues with face-to-face social interactions. Many seem to prefer to text or talk on social media as opposed to talking to each other in-person. Even when children spend time together, they may spend more time texting or on their phones than actually being together.
Lower attention span:
Technology can have a direct impact on attention spans. The immediacy of technological interactions make waiting harder for children. With technology, they aren’t forced to wait, they don’t get bored because they always have something to entertain them. Technology moves fast, instant responses and instant gratification are impacting attention spans for young children and teenagers alike.
Increased risk and lack of privacy:
Children have grown up in a technological world, and the idea of privacy is somewhat foreign to them. Technology has created an increase of theft, privacy issues, harassment, and more. Cybersecurity is a huge element of tech today, but it isn’t always perfect. The IT industry is in need of cybersecurity professionals who can help make technology more safe for children.
Children who spend more time inside on their phones or tablets don’t spend as much time running and playing outside. They establish habits of technology use that doesn’t involve exercise.
Risk of depression:
Children who report more time using media are more likely to also report mental health issues. Depression is a key issue that is correlated with more media use. Experts believe time spent on social media or using technology can directly be tied to increased depression.
Falling grades:
Many students today can see their grades take a hit when they spend more time with technology. Increasing technology usage means less time spent on homework, and the kind of developmental changes technology can bring can make students struggle with homework like reading and writing.
Positive Impacts
Help to learn:
From TV programming to apps on a smartphone or tablet, there are many things that children can be exposed to that can help develop their mind and teach them new things. Technology helps teachers reach different kinds of learners, reinforce and expand on concepts, and motivate students in new ways. As more teachers embrace technology, new kinds of learning can take place in classrooms, and more students can be reached in ways that they relate with.
Preparing for future tech careers:
As technology continues to grow and flourish, there will be more demand for professionals ready to take on technology careers. When children start getting excited about technology and the potential it offers them from a young age, they’re more prepared for their future and the possibilities it offers. Children can start getting technological skills early that they’ll need in the future.
Studies show that using technology helps young children learn how to multitask more effectively. While multitasking never allows you to fully focus on one area, students can learn how to listen and type to take notes, or other multitasking activities that can help them succeed in their future.
Visual-spatial development:
Spatial development can be greatly improved when technology like video games is used to help train young students and children. Practicing visual-spatial skills with video games can be a great way to improve abilities. Visual spatial skills are needed in a variety of things, like map reading, puzzles, and more.
Problem solving and decision making:
Technology often presents children with problems, and helps them learn how to make decisions and solve those problems. Games and apps on tablets or smartphones can help give children the practice they need to find success down the road. When students wisely use technology they can reap huge rewards.
How adults can help
Make sure to monitor your child’s social media use and be aware of the types of websites they’re visiting and the games they’re playing online. Set up parental controls on computers, smartphones, and tablets to block inappropriate websites and apps. In addition to monitoring your child’s screen time, it’s also important to make sure they engage in social activities. Schedule playdates with friends and encourage your child to interact with others. This way, they will have organized practices and games that will allow them to not only exercise but be social with other kids their age. Parents and teachers can watch for quality apps that promote vocabulary, math, literacy, and science. Adults can help make sure kids learn about computer science and IT as part of technology use to give them opportunities for a bright tech future.